Sunday, June 21, 2009


If you are not already familiar with TiddlyWiki, do consider it for your day-to-day organization. Personally, I think its main strength is in its ability to be entirely portable and relatively extensible. But in this post, I'm going to talk ForeCiteNote. FCN is a project built on top of TiddlyWiki by my research group, WING. In short, its an academic's version of TiddlyWiki, which includes a number of features including:
  1. A new note type for research that links to a paper (allowing access to the PDF, bibliography, online reading, annotations, keyword extraction, etc)
  2. Ingestion of PDFs, BIBs, ZIPs of papers
  3. Online sync support
  4. Metadata auto completion for the papers in your research notes
  5. Reading list to manage your papers
  6. Publish your notes as public or keep them private.
Right now, its still in Alpha. But take a look at what we have so far:


  1. I am working on a research project at Mount Royal University (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) involving TiddlyWiki and content visualization. Could I have access to FCN as a referenced resource in my work?

    Thank you for considering my request.

    Craig Prichard
    Technical Communications Specialist

  2. Hello,
    I found that link in an older post on TiddlyWiki Google Group and I'm very interested in FCN. Is there a way to download an empty version of FCN anywhere?

    Kind Regards,
    Albert Riedinger
    University of Mainz, Germany

  3. Hi Albert,

    Is the site still working? The project is not currently in active development. So I'm not sure.

  4. I'll try to track down this code, and ideally bring it into Tiddlyspace. If anyone is interested in exploring Tiddlywiki in academic contexts, email me at
